Sunday, June 21, 2015

TPT Seller Challenge #1: Makeover Madness

I am so excited to join the TPT Seller Challenge hosted by Peppy Zesty TeacheristaSparkling in SecondTeach Create Motivate, and Third in Hollywood!

This year, I wanted to be serious about blogging and creating my own products. Well, it didn't turn out the way that I had hoped. Switching from first to fourth grade this year was definitely a challenge with getting to know the content. I have read many teacher blogs this year and I want to be apart of this community. This challenge comes at a perfect time where I am finished school and I can focus on creating products I can sell and use next year!

We started the challenge off with writing down our numbers. Here are my stats so far:
I have increased my Instagram by ten this week and have one follower on TPT. I know that it will take some time but it's a start.

The first challenge is to take a product from our store and make revisions to it. I chose to use the first product that I made called Monster Blends. I was teaching first grade at the time so this pack focuses on the final blends of words.

I changed the font that I used because I realized that the old font was hard for first graders to read. I also adjusted some of the graphics to make it look cleaner. I am glad I made changes because it was definitely for the better.

I am looking forward to the next challenge and how it will help me be a better blogger!


  1. Your penguin theme is too cute! Great update :)

    Sparkling in Second

  2. The update looks good! Remember that the followers will come. Just be consistant in your blogging and social media. Slow and steady is how I have gained followers (although it's still not that many)

    A Tall Drink of Water

    1. Thanks Rachel for the advice and encouragement! Glad the summer is here so I can build a good routine.
